Your Toughest Tennis Opponent Is ... You

As every tennis player knows, it's not the opponent on the other side of the net who is the most formidable. It's the one on your side of the net, and we don't mean your doubles partner. It's the one wearing your tennis shoes, your tennis shirt, your tennis headband. It's you.

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This Point Is The Point

The point you're playing is the only point that matters. Until we master time travel and can go back and fix that horrific overhead we missed or zip to the future to rip a winner, staying in the moment will be the only way to master tennis. This point is the point.

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Too Good Court Principle #3

Seeing how Novak got DQ'd from the US Open yesterday because he had a mini temper tantrum and unintentionally bounced a ball off a line judge's throat, it seems like the perfect time to post about Too Good Court Principle #2, "Ball Like Buddha." It's hard to blame Novak. He had an outburst most of us have had on the court, but got unlucky. The truth is, as fun and rewarding as tennis is, there is no doubt that tennis is a frustrating sport.

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Too Good Court Principle #2

One of my tennis coaches used to tell me to move through the ball when I was hitting it. So I started using "move through it" as a mantra I would tell myself on the court during matches to keep my feet moving and to remind myself to push forward. I realized it means a lot more than, "move through the ball or court." It's one of the ultimate pieces of advice for a tennis player. It's a physical reminder, but it has big significance psychologically, too. It's a metaphor.

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Too Good Court Principle #1

One of our core principles, or "Court Principles" as we call them, is SHOW THEM LOVE. It's at the heart of what Too Good is all about. And there's a beautiful double meaning built into it.

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