This Point Is The Point

This point is the point is a graphic in red text with a Too Good ball mark as the o in the second "point"


Every tennis player has a story like this.

It's 6-1, 5-2, 40-Love, and I'm serving. I'm trouncing my opponent. It's not even a match. Then I start thinking about what I'm doing after the match. I literally think to myself, "Maybe I'll see if so-and-so wants to play a match--this didn't even make me sweat." That's me putting the nail in my own coffin. Yep, you guessed it, I lost that match.

How does that happen? Great question. It happens when we get consumed by points in the past or the future when the only point that actually matters is the point you're about to play. This point is the only point you can control.

This point is the point.

This point doesn't care about the gimme volley you missed at the net to lose game two. This point doesn't care whether you win or lose this set. This point doesn't care about your sweet headband or your rad new neon socks. This point is a nasty narcissist. It gives zero Fs about anything but itself.

And that's exactly how we should feel about this point. We should obsess about this point. We should stalk it online, peek in its windows, get its name (which is "This Point," by the way) tattooed on our serving arm and creep on it hardcore until it files a restraining order.

This point is the point.

No other point in your match matters. It's so obvious yet so enlightening, right?

If you put everything you have into this point, you won't be haunted by points of tennis past. You won't be tempted to get ahead of yourself and fantasize about a fabulous victory that only exists in the future. You'll just grind, battle and compete like this is the only point that ever mattered, which is perfect, because the truth is, this is the only point that ever mattered. So you should give it your undivided attention, which it will love. Like I said, it's a gnarly narcissist.

This point is the point.

Too Good Tip: Us little tricks to get yourself to focus on the point at hand. A strategy is always helpful. What are you trying to exploit in your opponent? Focus on making them hit a forehand off your slice. Decide to chip and charge. Whatever it takes to create focus. Little mantras also help. Tell yourself you "Refuse to Lose" this point and dig in. Tell yourself you'll "Make Them Work" no matter what during this point. Just remember, this point is the point.