Introducing Too Good - A Note From Our Founder

I started this company because I love tennis. A lot. It's a sickness--the best kind. For anyone who's seen the show Dexter, I call tennis my "Dark Passenger." For anyone who hasn't seen that show, it just means l like it too much for my own good. And almost as much as my boy Radar up there.

Like a lot of weekend warriors, I've become obsessed with it as a grown-ass adult. Specifically, over the last eight years I've gotten really into it, playing in leagues, tournaments and for fun a few (sometimes seven days) times a week. Sure, I screwed around with a few summer tennis camps as a kid, and I always loved watching Wimbledon during summers, but I was always more interested in playing other sports back then.

In 2012 a friend suckered me into joining his league team, which was totally new to me. It was a 3.0 team and man did I suck. I realized that if I was going to be on a team with other guys relying on me that I needed to get better, so I started taking lessons and improving. I got addicted to the progress, physicality, the competition and the camaraderie. It was a great outlet.

I also got addicted to the mental aspect of the game. It was crazy to me that my mind could betray me in such dramatic ways. That I could be in full control of a match and just completely shit the bed and lose it because I got nervous, or agitated or distracted. It was also amazing that I could be getting destroyed and flip a switch in my head and come back and win. I fell in love with battling myself as much as I loved battling someone else. 

I was completely intrigued by this magical game they call tennis. I got to problem solve myself and my opponent while getting in shape by chasing a fuzzy yellow ball around for hours. 

Mentally and physically, you are always measuring your improvements. For someone who is results driven, that's super intoxicating. In addition to just working on my physical game, I realized I had to up my mental game, so I would listen to my coaches and their tips and tricks; I would read books; and I would listen to pros talk about their approaches.

Eventually I started coming up with my own little mental games, methods, sayings and motivations to make my mind stronger and myself better. And I actually started noticing that not only was it making me better on the court, it was making me better in life. I was applying my tennis lessons to life lessons. That's probably when I truly fell in love with the sport.

It mirrors life. You can 100% take learnings from the tennis court and apply them to your job, relationships, whatever.

I began to see that and started using my mental tricks and sayings off the court. Then I thought, this is such a great sport, I would love to spread the love, and share my love, and help inspire people with tennis. Since I'm in marketing, the way I thought I could do that is to create a brand. A brand that could be inspirational, motivational, fun and add some good to the world.

So I started Too Good. And here we are. I hope you like it and find some inspiration from it on the court or in life. This is just the beginning. It's going to get better and better. This is gonna be Too Good. Just wait.

Hope you dig it,
